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Galaxy Slime and Crunchy Putty on Special Now

1 June 2022

OOOOOOH Gross! It's so slimy!! It’s Galaxy Slime. Let your kids relish in this sensory experience as they let this gooey slime run through their fingers. They will be completely fascinated by the texture and will want to feel it on their hands, feet, arms and everywhere! They will be hypnotized by the colours of the galaxy and will be content playing with this product for hours on end.

They will be amazed by its stretching qualities. This slime has plenty of streeeetccchhh!!!

Snap, crackle and crunch - these are the sounds of Crunchy
Putty, with a texture like chewing gum and colourful crunchy balls inside that make crackling crunchy sounds when squashed or stretched.

SLIME - GALAXY THEME - 65g - Made in Taiwan

Made by the world's best producer of high-quality slimes and goo.
Each containing 62 grams of multicloured galaxy slime coming in a plastic tub so it can be reused on numerous occasions. Remember to put slime back into tub with the lid closed if you want to play with it again.


Our Bright Pearl variety comes in 4 colours with crunchy balls inside. The colour assortments are;

Bright white w/multicolour crunch
Bright green w/purple crunch
Bright pink w/green crunch
Bright blue w/yellow crunch
19 grams per plastic tub


Our glitter variety comes in 4 colours with crunchy balls inside. The colour assortments are;

Light pink w/purple crunch
Gold w/multicolour crunch
Purple w/blue crunch
Silver w/multicolour crunch
19 grams per plastic tub


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