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Introducing the Sticky Squeeze Air Ball A.K.A the Clinger Ball

5 September 2023

AIR BALL is what the kids are yelling out, however they are not referring to a basketball player
completely missing the ring...they are referring to this item.

Introducing the Sticky Squeeze Air Ball, A.K.A the Clinger Ball.

Super sticky and filled with nothing but air is this fun new sensory ball, throw one at a flat surface like a
wall or window and it will stick and slowly roll down.

You can grab a whole bunch of them and play a game with your friends:

The first person throws one down and then the next person tries to throw their ball to make it stick to the intial ball thrown
and continue until all balls have been thrown. Start from a short distance and then gradually make the initial target further away as you get better. (see the image as an example)

Coming in 6 assorted colours



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